Management Team

Stephaney Walker

Director of Operations

Stephaney has been a valuable asset to the organization since her arrival. Her professionalism and positive spirit toward our customer and staff. She has the experience and knowledge to implement, manage and evaluate the overall output of our products and services in our Eastham and Orleans operations.

Eileen Giguere

Manager at The Fairway Restaurant & Pizzeria

Eileen oversees the daily operations at the Hole In One Donut Shop and the Fairway Restaurant, both located in Eastham. She joined the operations in June 2000 as a server, hostess and donut finisher. She was promoted to Assistant Manager in 2006.

Prior to moving to Cape, Eileen and her husband Rick, owned and operated Yankee Fish Works, a fresh seafood market/restaurant in Sturbridge, MA from 1985 until 1993. They moved to North Eastham permanently with husband and three children in 1993. Eileen received her higher education at Cape Cod Community College, W. Barnstable MA.

Eileen was born and raised in Dedham, MA. Eileen is fulfilling a dream, living and raising her children on Cape Cod. She wanted to give her children what she remembered as growing up as a child; the beautiful cape beaches and the opportunity to live and grow up in small town environment.


Tanya Hurley

Head Bartender at The Fairway Restaurant & Pizzeria

Tanya has been in the restaurant business for over 20 years. Her enthusiasm and laughter is warm and welcoming to all who are in her presence. Her attentiveness towards her customers and efficiency toward her work ensures excellent customer service.

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“Excellent place with great service. Fresh food and large servings. Love breakfast but also dinner.”

-Denise K.

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